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out of the corner of one’s eye
用眼角余光看  detail>>
looking out the corner of my eye
惊鸿一瞥,照影而死 在我视线外的一角  detail>>
corner of the eye
眼梢  detail>>
the corner of eye
眼角  detail>>
out corner
本垒外角  detail>>
one eye
独眼  detail>>
be impoverished at one corner
坐困一隅  detail>>
one corner cracks open
崩了一角  detail>>
one out
失去第一次发球权  detail>>
one by one they got out
他们一个一个地走了出去  detail>>
a beam in one’s own eye
自己眼中的梁木;自己严重的缺点  detail>>
be blind in one eye
一只眼睛失明  detail>>
blind in one eye
单目失明 一目失明  detail>>
blindness of one eye
单眼盲  detail>>
feast one’s eye on
尽情享受  detail>>
give one the eye
眉目传情  detail>>
he is blind of one eye
他瞎了一只眼  detail>>
keep [have] one eye on
一心二用  detail>>